Sunday, June 24, 2007

Man and Nature of Manyailibit

Manyailibit ( some people often mention it as Mayalibit), our guide, Mr. Nurdin Dailon, have told a story that Mayailibit have the separate meaning. Manyai is room and libit is place for people. So we can also interpreted with nine room/chamber with one door ( because in this bay, there is nine kampong and only one door). That nine kampong is Mumes, Warsamdin, Lopintol, Waremak (or something), Beo, Waifoi, Goo, Kabilol, and Arawai. The oldest kampong in this places is Lopintol.

1 comment:

Indri Guli said...

Wuiihhh...keren2 bgt boz foto2nya....
Pake kamera apa?
Sayang ga ngajakin diriku menjelajah Indonesia... :(
Tapi someday aku juga pasti keliling Indonesia tercinta ini...
Sukses ya...